Cognitive Search

How Cognitive Search Redefines Customer Experience?

How Cognitive Search Redefines Customer Experience?

July 24, 2024

Leverage cognitive search to understand user intent, personalize search results, and deliver an exceptional customer experience. To learn more, click here.

Navigating the Black Friday & Holiday Rush: 5 Strategies to Prepare Your Customer Support Team

Navigating the Black Friday & Holiday Rush: 5 Strategies to Prepare Your Customer Support Team

November 23, 2023

This blog post highlights 5 effective strategies to empower your support team to deliver superior customer experiences during Black Friday and the holiday season. Read more!

Navigating the Future: How Large Language Models are Transforming Cognitive Search

Navigating the Future: How Large Language Models are Transforming Cognitive Search

September 20, 2023

Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized cognitive search, providing contextual relevance. Discover the latest LLM-powered cognitive search trends now!

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Enterprise Search Process

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Enterprise Search Process

September 14, 2023

Power enterprise search with our step-by-step guide. Explore, process, index, & search your way to valuable insights and improved productivity. Click now!

Unleash the Power of Cognitive Search: Explore, Discover, and Revolutionize Enterprise Knowledge!

Unleash the Power of Cognitive Search: Explore, Discover, and Revolutionize Enterprise Knowledge!

September 14, 2023

Activate the potential of cognitive search and revolutionize enterprise knowledge discovery. Overcome challenges and maximize benefits. Read to know more.

Transforming Customer Service with Federated Learning

Transforming Customer Service with Federated Learning

August 17, 2023

Enhancing customer service through federated learning: Collaborative AI approach for improved insights while ensuring data privacy. Learn more.

7 Top Reasons Why You Need Federated Search

7 Top Reasons Why You Need Federated Search

August 11, 2023

In a world ruled by data, organizations can’t afford lower productivity due to silos. Fret not, federated search offers the perfect solution! Here’s how.

Why Should You Invest In LLM-powered Enterprise Search Platform

Why Should You Invest In LLM-powered Enterprise Search Platform

June 28, 2023

Enterprise search offers a plethora of benefits like seamless access to internal data, improved content findability, etc. Keep reading to know more about its advantages and use cases.

The Evolution of Enterprise Search: Harnessing AI for Search Success

The Evolution of Enterprise Search: Harnessing AI for Search Success

June 20, 2023

Are data silos hindering the progress of your organization despite incorporating enterprise search solutions? It’s time to make the shift to cognitive search! Here’s why.

Building Premium Support Plans that Work for Delivering Exemplary Customer Experience

Building Premium Support Plans that Work for Delivering Exemplary Customer Experience

June 13, 2023

Exceptional customer support can help you stand out from the competition, and premium support is a necessary option in order to get there. Unsure where to start? Read this blog!

How Chatbots & Large Language Models are Weaving the Future of Digital Experience

How Chatbots & Large Language Models are Weaving the Future of Digital Experience

May 31, 2023

Chatbots have experienced a significant boost in their capabilities, thanks to the incorporation of LLMs. Here’s all you need to know about LLMs and chatbots based on them.

Driving Self-service with Search Insights & Augmented Intelligence: A Success Story

Driving Self-service with Search Insights & Augmented Intelligence: A Success Story

May 30, 2023

A leading SaaS platform has never been on the edge. Explore how it achieved self-service success with AI and search insights. Read this blog to know more.