Top 5 Challenges Businesses Need to Overcome to Successfully Adopt KCS

Top 5 Challenges Businesses Need to Overcome to Successfully Adopt KCS

What would happen if you visit a library with no specific order or classification of books? You might end up spending an eternity to find that one nugget of wisdom. What a waste of time and effort, huh?

Now picture this: a service agent is assigned a high-priority ticket. But, what if s/he is unable to find that one piece of information that will resolve it instantly? The longer the resolution gets delayed, the more the customers get frustrated.

What do both the situations have in common? The absence of an agile knowledge management system. If your enterprise is sailing on the same boat, you have two options:

  1. Continue to tread the same path, looking for needles in haystacks, or
  2. Adopt the KCS® methodology and up the ante of your KM program

Top 5 Challenges Businesses Need to Overcome to Successfully Adopt KCS

The smart choice, of course, is the second one. Reason? Well, KCS creates a double loop process that helps to accelerate knowledge creation and monitor KBs performance.

However, there is trouble in paradise. Adopting KCS can be an uphill battle for many organizations. Wondering why? This blog post elucidates.

Looking at Adoption Challenges that Accompany KCS Initiatives

There’s no shred of doubt that customer experience is the new battlefield. To stand out in an ever-thickening crowd, enterprises must zig when a competitor zags and put the best foot forward. Catapulting your knowledge management program with KCS is a great start. But you can only achieve the pinnacle of KCS success if you are aware of the challenges coming your way and the best practices to combat them.

Explore some major roadblocks umpteen enterprises face:

1. Focus on Quantity over Quality:

Don’t get me wrong; building large knowledge bases is quite impressive and beneficial in the long run. However, when service agents’ performance is evaluated based on the number of articles created per month, the quality is bound to be affected.

Also, excessive knowledge creation can shift the service engineers’ focus from reviewing and updating the existing KBs. That could set your KCS program on a downward trajectory.

2. Lack of Proper Training & Guidance:

Service agents’ tasks include certain standardized activities that they need to follow down to the last detail. But at times, poorly written content guides and training material makes the processes confusing.

Chances are the agents might end up making mistakes, which would exacerbate more information chaos. That further delivers the wrong resolution to customers, frustrates the employees, and amplifies data management challenges.

3. Lack of Appreciation & Recognition:

Everyone draws inspiration from individuals who do a great job and are honored for their achievements. If you acknowledge and reward the efforts of your service reps, it motivates them to put their best foot forward.

But organizations fail to keep a tab of created content and how it performed in a particular period. This makes them feel that the whole process is pointless and draining, thus, impacting their productivity. Consequently, it affects user experience and the company.

4. Less Investment in New-age Technology:

The primary objective of the KCS methodology is to populate new articles and update the existing ones regularly. However, the service agents’ KPIs are more focussed on handling customer queries and resolving issues instantly.

Due to this disconnect, populating new articles takes a backseat, and the KCS initiative is left hanging on a ledge.

5. Traditional Leadership Practices and Skillset:

KCS is not merely a practice but a new way to think. That’s why leadership and communication play a pivotal part in the Evolve Loop. In fact, the KCS Academy suggests that it’s integral for leaders and managers to build the right perspective, concepts, and skills to lead a knowledge-centered organization.

However, many leaders don’t believe in the idea and aren’t fully aboard. As a result, they’re not able to articulate the methodology to their teams and implement it at scale. All of that translates into poor KCS adoption.

Start Delivering Exceptional Customer Experiences Today with KCS Adoption!

After reading the blog post, you must be abreast of the challenges that lead to poor KCS adoption. It’s time to put the clipboard down and understand the best practices to elevate your KM programs with KCS for good!

Join our webinar where Vyjayanthi Sreenivasan, Sr. Manager, Self-Help & Community, Automation Anywhere shares her KCS-related challenges and best practices to devise and scale the framework expeditiously. Register here.

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