How Headless LMS and Cognitive Tech Help Deliver Optimum Customer Experiences

How Headless LMS and Cognitive Tech Help Deliver Optimum Customer Experiences

Online learning programs play a significant role in improving a customer’s perception of your brand while boosting customer loyalty.

However, Learning Management Systems (LMS) have been around for a while and have their own drawbacks. To overcome that, forward-thinking brands have started turning to headless LMS that overshadows its traditional counterpart with its myriad advantages. Keep reading to learn how!

What is Headless LMS?

To distinguish the headless LMS model from a traditional one, it is crucial to learn about the “front-end” and “back-end” layers. The back-end comprises the site’s structure such as servers, operating systems, and databases, while the front-end is accessible to the end users, such as home pages.

How Headless LMS and Cognitive Tech Help Deliver Optimum Customer Experiences

Headless LMS platforms separate the front and back-end layers, allowing you complete control over the user experience. They also support all types of integrations, which makes it suitable for learning across all different channels and devices.

Moreover, it delivers robust back-end functionality, while also allowing the front-end layer to be customized by the user, according to brand standards, delivery channels, the overall look, and feel, etc.

Advantages of Headless LMS Over Traditional LMS

As aforementioned, headless LMS offers many benefits, some of which are explained below.

1. Customization and Personalization Is Easier

One of the best features of a headless LMS platform is the ease with which it can be customized and tailored to individual user preferences. In the traditional model, there are many restrictions on how, when, and where companies can offer learning content. But the new model makes everything easily accessible.

As almost 60% of the global website traffic is through mobile devices, brands can no longer afford to be held back by the rigidity of the traditional LMS model.

How Headless LMS and Cognitive Tech Help Deliver Optimum Customer Experiences

2. Dynamic Technology Allows for Omnichannel Content Management

The omnichannel approach allows businesses to function smoothly and take care of their operations from a central point. The same can be seen in headless LMS, which makes it possible to publish content to multiple sources swiftly.

Therefore, it becomes easier to reach a wider audience and expand your network when back-end operations are more streamlined. Moreover, it cuts down on unnecessary efforts, as you would have to tend to one central hub, as opposed to upkeeping each channel separately.

3. More Creative Freedom for Designers and Developers

When the back-end and front-end layers are separated, it gives the employees—developers or designers—full freedom on the creative side. Thus, incorporating headless LMS into your organization will enable the employees to unleash their true creativity, allowing them to create tailored experiences that align with their vision.

So, in an era where consumers are willing to accept only the best from organizations, headless LMS is a must to helping hand to gear up for the future!

That said, there are two building blocks that you mustn’t miss out on if you wish to nail a headless LMS model. This is where cognitive and adaptive learning paths step in, ensuring your headless platform is flawless!

Cognitive Tech – Taking Your Headless LMS Model to the Next Level

The global cognitive computing market is projected to reach a valuation of $72.26 Billion by 2027. Thus, it acts like the missing puzzle piece to make a perfect headless LMS! Let’s find out how cognitive technology helps:

  • Personalized Learning – By now you know that headless LMS platforms are the epitome of personalized learning, but what makes this possible? Adaptive learning paths backed by AI algorithms work behind the scenes to ascertain user understanding of topics, and their current position.
  • Improved Content Findability – With the help of headless LMS you can integrate educational content from numerous sources, while cognitive tech makes it a piece of cake to offer a unified learning experience. As a result, all recommendations offered to the users are highly specific to their learning needs. Moreover, it helps with consistent tagging, thus improving overall content discovery.

How Headless LMS and Cognitive Tech Help Deliver Optimum Customer Experiences

It’s time to fight against sub-par learning experiences by leveraging cognitive tech in cohesion with headless LMS!

Tune into an insightful webinar with Thought Industries & SearchUnify to learn how you can advance learning experiences by building a successful headless LMS platform. Happy learning!

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