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How to Measure the Efficacy of Your Sentiment Analysis Model

How to Measure the Efficacy of Your Sentiment Analysis Model

December 2, 2022

Customer sentiment analysis is the perfect way to understand how consumers perceive your brand. Wondering how to measure it? Read this blog and know whether your CX strategy is performing well or not.

Decode the Voice of the Customers with Sentiment Analysis

Decode the Voice of the Customers with Sentiment Analysis

November 3, 2022

Sentiment analysis is the gold standard to make any business grow. Explore why, how, and the best tool to do so in this blog. Click to read!

Semantic Search: The Key to Traverse Big Data & Produce Relevant Results Faster

Semantic Search: The Key to Traverse Big Data & Produce Relevant Results Faster

October 19, 2022

Semantic models help search engines to understand natural language & user intent. Read on to know how these algorithms deliver personalized results at full tilt

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