Support Driven Announces Partnership with SearchUnify for Elevating Customer Support & Self-service Experiences

Mountain View, CA | October 10, 2023Support Driven, a leading online community of more than 14,000 members dedicated to Customer Support and Knowledge Management, announced a strategic partnership with SearchUnify, a leading unified cognitive platform that powers cognitive search and a suite of AI-powered products, to elevate customer support and self-service experiences.

Support Driven is a leading online community dedicated to supporting people’s careers in Customer Support and transforming the Customer Support industry. It fosters collaboration and thought leadership by enabling members to network, ask questions, share expertise, and help each other via various community-led initiatives like the Aspire mentoring program, and at events like Support Driven Expo and Support Driven Leadership Summit.

Together, Support Driven and SearchUnify will usher in a new era in the customer support and self-service domain. The partnership will empower Support Driven members to easily access and leverage our cutting-edge AI-powered products in their support ecosystem. As a result, they can efficiently streamline their workflows, boost productivity, enhance knowledge management, and drive superior customer experiences. Additionally, it will provide SearchUnify with an opportunity to broaden its horizon and receive valuable feedback from a community of customer support professionals.

“We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with SearchUnify, a collaboration dedicated to equipping our community members with the tools and knowledge needed to unlock the potential of AI and enabling them to craft innovative and exceptional customer experiences while optimizing self-service solutions. Together with SearchUnify, we’re committed to propelling the Support Driven community into a new era of AI-driven excellence, where creativity and problem-solving thrive,” Scott Tran, CEO, Support Driven.

“Customer support landscape is constantly evolving. The advent of advanced tools and technologies like Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) pave the way for more relevant, personalized, and seamless customer support interactions. At SearchUnify, we progress in the same direction and empower users to harness the full potential of LLMs via our innovative approaches, like SearchUnifyFRAGTM,” says Vishal Sharma, CTO, SearchUnify. “Our partnership with Support Driven will bring the best of both worlds – the power of community-driven support excellence and the potential of AI-driven technology – to create a brighter future for customer support.”

About Support Driven

Support Driven is a leading online community dedicated to supporting people’s career in Customer Support and transforming the Customer Support industry. It fosters collaboration and thought leadership by enabling members to network, ask questions, share expertise, and help each other via various community-led initiatives like the Aspire mentoring program, and at events like Support Driven Expo and Support Driven Leadership Summit.

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive platform, by Grazitti Interactive, and is built on a machine learning and insights engine. The platform boasts a suite of AI-powered products, including Cognitive Search, SUVA (the World’s First Federated, Information Retrieval Augmented Chatbot for Fine-tuned, Contextual, and Intent-driven Conversational Experiences at Scale), Agent Helper, Knowbler (the World’s First Knowledge-centered Customer Service Software), Escalation Predictor, and Community Helper. Leading enterprises globally rely on SearchUnify for revolutionizing information discovery and elevating support outcomes.

Media Contact
Aanchal Dhar
Senior Social Media Manager, SearchUnify