Grazitti Interactive Response to, and Readiness for, Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sunnyvale, CA | March 25, 2020 – On March 24, 2020, India’s Prime Minister announced a nationwide lockdown to contain the rapid spread of COVID-19.

Grazitti Interactive had taken precautionary measures even before that and had moved to a complete work from home (WFH) policy since March 20, and we had been fully operational and serving our customers across channels electronically and digitally.


Even before moving to a complete WFH policy, we tested our infrastructure with a pilot WFH group for a week to mitigate the possibilities of any downtime.

The following are the steps we’re taking to keep on delivering our services to you in a seamless manner.

  • All our employees have been provided with laptops, which are accessible from anywhere through secure connections
  • We’re conducting regular internal audits on all our employees’ systems to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all data
  • All systems’ data is backed up in real time on our servers at two locations in compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013

We are using a range of best-of-breed technologies for secure content collaboration, video communications and messaging, secure identity and access (VPN), and project management tools to deliver uninterrupted remote work for all employees. Access to all client assets continues to happen as per Grazitti’s Information security guidelines.


No Grazitti personnel has been impacted by the virus. All Grazittians are in good health and have been working at 100% capacity. We’re taking the following measures to ensure the wellness of our workforce:

  • Conducting remote audits to make sure each of our employees is following our information security policies and WFH guidelines
  • Conducting regular wellness webinars, yoga and physical fitness sessions for all our employees to help them maintain good physical and mental health
  • Regularly sharing WFH best practices and encouraging employees to follow the WHO guidelines to help contain the spread of the virus

Thank you so much for keeping your trust in us.

Grazitti Interactive Response to, and Readiness for, Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sunnyvale, CA | March 17, 2020 – With the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolving rapidly, it’s our responsibility to be transparent about how Grazitti is responding to the pandemic. We are continuously monitoring the situation and approaching it with empathy and great urgency, taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety of our employees, while proactively driving business continuity plans to ensure that we continue to deliver for our customers and partners.

The following information reflects our guidelines and practices as of March 17, 2020. If there are any fundamental changes to our plan, we will update this post to reflect them.

Employee Health and Workforce Readiness

Our top priority is the health and wellness of our employees worldwide. We’re encouraging and enabling our employees to follow the WHO guidelines and recommendations to stay safe and healthy.

All Grazitti employees have access to secure remote working technology and collaboration tools, allowing them to continue to work efficiently if they are unable to come to office.

Business Continuity

We have a robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place to address the kind of external challenges we are faced with today.

We are aligned to the international standard (ISO/IEC 27001:2013) that specifies requirements for setting up and managing an effective business continuity management system.

We have a Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness Plan in place that we’re actively following. The plan outlines a comprehensive risk management and response framework in the event that a contagious disease affects Grazitti personnel, facilities, or operations.

Operational Support and Performance

At this time, the delivery and performance of our platforms and solutions including SearchUnify remain unimpacted by the COVID-19 situation. Our cloud solutions are monitored and operated from several locations around the world, across a multi-vendor and multi-cloud infrastructure model, which helps ensure our ability to continue to deliver our solutions throughout the duration of this situation.

We hope this information is helpful in understanding how Grazitti is responding to COVID-19. We appreciate the continued support from our employees and customers. These are testing times and we want you to rest assured that we are there for you, and with you.