SearchUnify Cited in TSIA’s Report on Driving KM Initiatives with Analytics

Sunnyvale, CA | March 17th, 2020 – SearchUnify, an award-winning cognitive search platform, was cited in a TSIA report on using analytics for improving knowledge effectiveness. The solution garnered multiple mentions throughout the report.

In this information age, knowledge is the most potent weapon in a company’s arsenal. Seamless and timely access to relevant information is paramount to stay competitive. This makes it crucial for organizations to manage their knowledge effectively.

A while back, TSIA came up with the Knowledge Maturity Model. But a recent member survey revealed that despite a good start, only 4% of the KM programs managed to reach the final phase of the model.

“Analytics is crucial to understanding large quantities of data to pinpoint outliers and notable changes you wouldn’t have found looking over data manually. With enterprise organizations capturing knowledge from thousands of articles, in addition to enormous quantities of content in product manuals, learning management systems, process docs, release notes, design documents, etc., leveraging analytics to identify trends based on clickstreams and usage metrics can ease the manual work needed for sustained knowledge success,” notes TSIA.

“Having a formal process to regularly review and update content, as well as identify content gaps, is critical. However, committing to staff this heavily manual process can be challenging.” Luckily, deep analytics gleaned from the repositories and interactions can help.

The report then delves into three broad use cases that analytics can help enterprises with. Here, the authors cite SearchUnify for its extensive mining of actionable insights that “can be used to automate the knowledge maintenance process.”

“The TSIA report further validates what we’ve been telling our customers and prospects for quite a while,” says Alok Ramsisaria, SearchUnify’s CEO. “Enterprises have no idea about the cornucopia of data that they’re sitting on, let alone the scope of effectively tapping on it.”

“There’s a lot more data across your pre and post-sale interaction points that meets the eye,” adds an ecstatic Vishal Sharma, SearchUnify’s CTO. “Constantly contributing to the KBs while also gauging the overall efficacy of the KM program used to be a tedious affair. SearchUnify manages a lion’s share of work, thus eliminating pain from the process,” he added.

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive search platform that revolutionizes information discovery, fuels an insight engine, and makes for a robust platform for AI-based apps like customer-facing and agent-assist chatbots. Its AI powers relevant and personalized search results for customers, partners, and employees across industries including e-commerce, high tech, education, pharmaceuticals, and banking and insurance. It indexes disparate content repositories, makes relevant content easily discoverable (on online communities, sites, customer portals, service consoles) and provides advanced insights into user search behavior, content usability, and content gaps – all while self-learning to personalize and keep responses within the context and ensuring the security of the enterprise data.