SearchUnify & Execs In The Know to Host Webinar on Elevating Customer & Employee Experiences with AI

Sunnyvale, CA | May 1, 2020 – SearchUnify, an award-winning cognitive search platform, today announced that registrations are now open for its upcoming live webinar on how AI can augment your customer & employee experience.

Scheduled for May 21, 2020 at 10 AM PST, the webinar will bring together seasoned experts Vishal Sharma, SearchUnify’s CTO, and Chad McDaniel, Execs In The Know’s President for a high-octane and thorough discussion on successfully tapping in emerging technologies to streamline workflows and delight customers.

The webinar will enlighten listeners about:

  1. Enabling cross-team collaboration to deliver a superior CX using AI
  2. Busting common AI myths and pitfalls
  3. Monitoring key metrics to measure CX success

Nailing Two Needs with One Deed: AI

The business world has changed from what it was a couple of years ago. Digital transformation is no longer a dream on the horizon but a necessity to survive and thrive. Fortunately, we have a plethora of emerging technologies that businesses can cash in and make it happen.

“Industry stalwarts want to provide uniform, seamless, and highly personalized experiences across channels to internal and external users,” says Vishal Sharma. “And the best way to go about it is by eliminating bottlenecks that customers and employees face at various stages and touchpoints. This requires a blend of strategy, processes, and tech,” he added.

A Gartner study revealed that more than two-thirds of companies are now competing on the basis of CX. Similarly, 80% of the respondents of a Deloitte survey rated employee experience as “important” or “very important.” However, only 22% of them believe their organization was “excellent” at establishing a differentiated employee experience.

The gap is alarming. It clearly has the potential of leading your customers, prospects, and employees astray. The webinar aims to bridge this gap by shedding some light on tried-and-tested strategies that integrate technology with your organizational processes for maximum efficiency.


Title – Double Win: Transforming Customer and Employee Experience with Artificial Intelligence
When – Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 10 AM PST


Vishal Sharma

Chad McDaniel
Execs In The Know

You can register for the webinar here.

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive search platform that revolutionizes information discovery, fuels an insight engine, and makes for a robust platform for AI-based apps like customer-facing and agent-assist chatbots. Its AI powers relevant and personalized search results for customers, partners, and employees across industries including e-commerce, high tech, education, pharmaceuticals, and banking and insurance.

It indexes disparate content repositories, makes relevant content easily discoverable (on online communities, sites, customer portals, service consoles) and provides advanced insights into user search behavior, content usability, and content gaps – all while self-learning to personalize and keep responses within the context and ensuring the security of the enterprise data.