CUSTOMER Magazine Honors SearchUnify Virtual Assistant (SUVA) With the 2023 Customer Experience Innovation Award

SearchUnify Virtual Assistant (SUVA) honored for improving customer service technology

Mountain View, CA | September 20, 2023 – SearchUnify, a leading unified cognitive platform, is pleased to announce that TMC, a global, integrated media company, has named its virtual assistant (SUVA) as a 2023 Customer Experience Innovation Award winner, presented by TMC’s CUSTOMER magazine.

The 2023 Customer Experience Innovation Award recognizes best-in-class companies setting the standard in delivering exceptional customer experiences through all channels, including social.

SUVA is the world’s first Federated, Information Retrieval Augmented chatbot for fine-tuned, contextual, and intent-driven conversational experiences at scale. Harnessing the power of machine learning, NLP, NLQA, generative AI, and an insights engine, it empowers enterprises to streamline their customer interactions and deliver round-the-clock, hyper-personalized responses. To learn more about SUVA, click here.

“New-age customers expect relevant, personalized, and timely responses to their queries. This is where SUVA reigns supreme. Unlike traditional chatbots, it leverages advanced AI algorithms and cutting-edge LLMs to understand contextual nuances. Further, our innovative SearchUnifyFRAGTM approach empowers SUVA to retrieve information from multiple repositories and generate responses that are not only relevant, contextual, and intent-driven but also factually correct, says Vishal Sharma, CTO, SearchUnify. “We are immensely delighted to receive this recognition as it demonstrates our product value and motivates us to continue our commitment towards innovation.

“Congratulations to SearchUnify for receiving a 2023 Customer Experience Innovation Award. SUVA has been selected for setting the standard in delivering world-class customer experiences across all channels,” said Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. “We’re pleased to recognize this achievement and know we will continue to witness great innovation from SearchUnify in 2023 and beyond.”


Since 1982, CUSTOMER magazine (formerly Customer Interaction Solutions) has been the voice of the customer experience, call/contact center, CRM and teleservices industries. CUSTOMER has helped the industry germinate, grow, mature and prosper, and has served as the leading publication in helping these industries that have had such a positive impact on the world economy to continue to thrive. Through a combination of outstanding and cutting-edge original editorial, industry voices, in-depth lab reviews and the recognition of the innovative leaders in management and technology through our highly valued awards, CUSTOMER strives to continue to be the publication that holds the quality bar high for the industry. Please visit

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About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive platform, by Grazitti Interactive, and is built on a machine learning and insights engine. The platform boasts a suite of AI-powered products, including Cognitive Search, SUVA (the World’s First Federated, Information Retrieval Augmented Chatbot for Fine-tuned, Contextual, and Intent-driven Conversational Experiences at Scale), Agent Helper, Knowbler (the World’s First Knowledge-centered Customer Service Software), Escalation Predictor, and Community Helper. Leading enterprises globally rely on SearchUnify for revolutionizing information discovery and elevating support outcomes.

Media Contact
Aanchal Dhar
Senior Social Media Manager, SearchUnify