SearchUnify and TSIA to Deliver a Webinar on “Cognitive Technology: The Force Multiplier for Scaling Customer Success”

John Ragsdale, Distinguished VP, Technology Research, TSIA, and Vishal Sharma, CTO, SearchUnify, will discuss how cognitive technology catapults proactive customer success.

Mountain View, CA | September 02, 2021: SearchUnify is teaming up with TSIA (Technology & Services Industry Association) to deliver a thought-provoking webinar on elevating the customer success function with cognitive technology. The live event will unfold on September 28, 2021, at 11 AM PT virtually.

Companies have always relied on strengthening relationships with existing customers for mutually beneficial results, even more so during recent times. And customer success forms the core of this idea. But a recent TSIA poll revealed that 44% of success teams said scaling the customer success function as the biggest challenge in 2021.

The reactive approach to customer success places some giant boulders in the way. Adding the right technology to the mix can help shift gears from reactive to proactive. Cognitive technology enables customer success at every step of the way—interest, purchase, implementation, onboarding, expansion, and renewal stage—with predictive analytics and AI-powered personalized recommendations.

The upcoming webinar will answer how exactly cognitive technology elevates customer success. It brings together industry stalwarts that’ll cover all there is to know on the matter.

Guest speaker, John Ragsdale is a Distinguished Researcher at TSIA. He has authored over 250 research articles and developed several frameworks and survey methodologies to help enterprises address complex business challenges. Joining him will be the CTO of SearchUnify, Vishal Sharma, who has over a decade of experience with cognitive technology deployment in organizations, optimizing CRMs, and developing online communities.

“There are many facets to cognitive technology that make it a compelling choice for amplifying customer success function. For instance, conversational AI provides quick assistance to customers as well as CSMs when needed; predictive analytics and customer sentiment analysis lay the foundation for turning customers into advocates and bring in more business,” said Vishal Sharma. “Additionally, machine learning ensures a personalized onboarding experience by analyzing customer behavior, their role, purchase history, and maturity (in case of products),” he added.

“The idea is to forgo cookie-cutter personalization and provide customers an experience that is customized to their unique needs. Cognitive technology makes that possible by infusing intelligence across the CX strategy. And the icing on the cake is that the technology is highly scalable,” said Alok Ramsisaria, CEO of Grazitti Interactive, SearchUnify’s parent company.

The webinar will elucidate how cognitive technology acts as the “force multiplier” for customer success function and how its adoption can optimize customer success KPIs such as Customer Health Score, NPS, CLV.

Register for the webinar here.

Webinar Logistics


John Ragsdale
Distinguished VP, Technology Research

Vishal Sharma

Title – Cognitive Technology: The Force Multiplier for Scaling Customer Success

When – Sep 28, 2021 at 11:00 AM PT

Register for the webinar here.

About TSIA

Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) is the world’s leading research organization dedicated to helping technology companies achieve profitable growth and solve top business challenges. Services, Sales, Product, and Channel organizations at tech firms, large and small, look to TSIA for world-class business frameworks, best practices based on real-world results, detailed performance benchmarking, and exceptional peer networking opportunities.

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive platform by Grazitti Interactive that revolutionizes information findability, fuels intelligent enterprise search, and makes for a robust platform for AI-based apps like Intelligent Chatbots, Agent Helper, KCS Enabler, Escalation Predictor, and Community Helper. Its AI powers relevant and personalized search results for customers, partners, and employees across industries.

Media Contact
Ajay Paul Singh
Head of Marketing, SearchUnify