SearchUnify for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Undoubtedly, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a phenomenal CRM and ERP application that enables streamlined customer service delivery. But, since agents cannot integrate additional data sources into the mix, they fail to fetch the right help-content at the right time from across channels, hampering the overall CX. SearchUnify, a unified cognitive platform, helps you extend the capabilities of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance and unleash its full potential.

Powered by ML, SearchUnify indexes disparate content sources to give a unified, 360-degree view of the enterprise knowledge base. By surfacing relevant content at the right time directly inside your Microsoft Dynamics 365 console, SearchUnify augments agent productivity and self-serving capabilities. Additionally, it gives you insights into customer journey and user sentiment to expedite customer support outcomes. Watch the video to know how.

Here's What the Best in Business Have to Say About SearchUnify

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