Enterprise Search Implementation: The Don’ts

Your company portals are laden with information related to – corporate policy, the latest contract for one of your clients, customer history, logged cases, latest KB articles & the list goes on. But how often does a searched query retrieve a relevant result? Unfortunately, not a lot of times & your employees have to resort to asking someone in their department.

After careful research you find a solution to this problem, you implement a powerful enterprise search engine. But Uh-oh! You’re still not getting relevant results. The thing is there are a couple of don’ts you need to keep in mind for a successful search implementation. Here’s a conversation between Phil and Joe, discussing 5 common search implementation pitfalls to avoid:

Enterprise search has the power to transform your business but only if you have a well-thought-out strategy & the right search solution in place. Here’s an ebook that will help you ace your search implementation.

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