3 Ways to Begin Your Support Transformation at the ASP Conference on Advanced AI Tools

According to Juniper Research, chatbot conversations will deliver approximately $8 billion in cost savings by 2022. Businesses are betting big on AI and chatbots, and a major chunk of this investment is in the customer support department. Gartner predicts that 85% of customer service interactions will be with chatbots by 2020. Having said that, only 17% of executives at major companies say they’re familiar with cognitive and AI technology.

If you don’t want to be one of the ignorant majority that’s jumping on the AI bandwagon only for the sake of it, you do not want to miss the ASP Conference on Advanced AI Tools. Meant for industry leaders passionate about customer support, this two-day event is going to be hosted by ServiceNow on March 27 and 28 in San Diego, CA.

Here are 3 ways to begin your support transformation at ASP Conference:

1. Network with Leaders of Innovation

One reason AI remains an often misunderstood, or ‘less understood’ term is that it’s still perceived through Spielberg’s or Cameron’s eyes – it’s either fascinated or feared. Folks in the customer support field who mostly fear it do so thinking it will replace them and leave them jobless.

However, the truth is it’s only going to complement the human mind and make our lives easier and more productive. Only our peers who’ve ‘been there, done that’ (applied the actual AI in their organizations) can show us the real picture.

ASP, being a close-knit conference with a handful (rather, hand-picked) people brings to you a rare opportunity to connect with these leaders of innovation, get up close and personal. These leaders from all over the world who have understood and incorporated their knowledge of AI in their organizations will share their experiences. Know what’s real artificial intelligence and hear it directly from the horses’ mouths.

2. Learn About Search-Powered Chatbots!

Chatbots have stormed the world of support with more and more companies employing a bot to handle L1 queries. To understand how chatbots work, you would want to connect especially with Alok Ramsisaria from Grazitti Interactive, Lily Ryzebol from IBM, Sameer Patkar from Oracle, and Nitin Badjatia from ServiceNow. All of them will present at the conference too where they’ll be speaking about AI Tools for Support. Alok will be talking about AI-driven chatbots that leverage search insights to provide more relevant and smarter search results.

Grazitti will be showcasing SearchUnify, a smart AI algorithm-based search solution that can revolutionize your business. From providing more relevant solutions, enhancing employee efficiency, giving rich insights into the customer journey to giving proactive recommendations, it will bridge the gap that exists between customer service and customer happiness.

3. Improve Your Support Strategy

They say, “If you’re not getting better, then you’re getting worse”. Or, if you’re not improving your support strategy, it is only becoming old and stagnant. That’s why 39% of companies have a strategy to integrate AI into business processes, according to MITSMR. We have AI fit into almost every slot of our lives.

If you’re implementing KCS in your organization, it needs advanced technology too. Empower your knowledge workers with AI tools and an advanced search technology that can integrate all your knowledge sources, fetch contextual results, and display them inside the service tool they’re using.

Transform Your Support with AI Tools

Still unsure about how to take the first step? It’s simple. Contact us if you want to meet our team at the ASP conference, and we’ll be happy to answer all your queries around leveraging AI for support.

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