SearchUnify & TSIA to Deliver Webinar on Leveraging Cognitive Search for Chatbot Success

Sunnyvale, CA | March 9, 2020 – SearchUnify, a recognized cognitive search platform, today announced that it’ll host a live webinar with Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) on March 26, 2020 at 11:00 AM PST.

This is not the first time SearchUnify has teamed up with TSIA. Last year, the two conducted a webinar on driving self-service success and elevating CX with cognitive search. The new webinar picks it up from there. It explores the next wave of technological innovation that has the potential to change customer interactions, i.e. chatbots.

Vishal Sharma, CTO – SearchUnify, will be joined by John Ragsdale, Distinguished VP of Research – TSIA, and Omar Fdawi, Sr. Research Associate, Enterprise Technology – TSIA.

In this webinar, attendees will learn about:

  • Why chatbots that leverage search insights are smarter.
  • How chatbots can drive better self-service experiences for customers.
  • How chatbots can power smarter and more efficient support.

Add The Missing Piece To Your Chatbot Puzzle: Cognitive Search

“This is a big year for chatbots as Gartner predicted that we’d be having more conversations with them than our spouse in 2020. And yet I’ve seen firms being reluctant to adopt chatbots as “they can’t go beyond basic queries,” said Vishal. “The missing ingredient in a chatbot strategy is cognitive search. This amalgamation transforms a basic chatbot into something that goes beyond a scripted conversation & is capable of answering a lot more questions by leveraging enterprise-wide information,” he added.

Chatbots were once touted as the heroes of the on-demand economy and quick service interactions. They were considered futuristic and an asset for B2B enterprises. The enthusiasm, it seems, was premature. Many entrepreneurs aren’t really happy with chatbots today because the underlying technology hasn’t kept pace with expectations.

To truly support teams across the enterprise including marketing, sales, support, procurement and knowledge workers, chatbots need to be supplemented with cognitive search. This provides them access to knowledge and insights into how people are consuming it. As a result, the chatbot can engage in actionable conversations to help customers and employees self-serve.


Vishal Sharma

John Ragsdale
Distinguished VP, Technology Research

Omar Fdawi
Sr. Research Associate, Enterprise Technology

Title:  Cognitive Search: The Missing Chapter In Your Chatbot Story
When: March 26, 2020 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET

Sign up for the webinar here.

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a cognitive enterprise search solution from Grazitti Interactive that integrates knowledge sources to build a mammoth corpus of complete enterprise information. By tapping into its AI-driven algorithm, SearchUnify deciphers the search intent and pits it against structured and unstructured data sets to help organizations deliver relevant answers, work seamlessly, and make more informed business decisions.